Class Reflection

The class overall went well, and all students were able to create a surreal digital drawing.  Each student was very creative in the way they could put three different nouns together into one surreal drawing.

Here are the final drawings made by the students:

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One word this student had to use was “Dairy” – she was very creative in the way she solved this problem 


This student decided to create a surreal image by drawing an orange, but with a bright neon green color rather than the typical orange color we would expect to see. 

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This student was faced with the challenge of combining the words “Pickle”,”Bourbon”, and “Mail” – The narrative she created in this surreal world solves the problem in a very unique and creative way

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During our class, we also discussed the tools available in the digital drawing programs we had available.  This student went above and beyond in terms of utilizing multiple drawing tools.  Using soft strokes, different texturing tools, and layers, the student was able to create his final piece.


This student worked hard to create a narrative in her drawing, and even referenced politics in her nightmare-themed world.  The detail she added and the mood she created in the image work well together to create surrealism


This student worked with words like “time” and “stars”.  She used a lunar calendar reference to tie in the idea of time to her drawing, and the cycle of the sun rising and setting.  The bright colors juxtaposed with the dark setting creates a strong sense of surrealism.

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This student focused on mastering the different tools available in the digital drawing program.  This student in particular struggled with technical problems in previous classes, and was excited to be ale to work with the tools in the way he wanted.  Here you can see how well he used the blending tool, different laters, different drawing tools, and different strokes.


This student was able to capture he idea of surrealism through extreme juxtaposition.  The boxing glove is larger than life size in the image, but drawn realistically which is one of the most popular ways to achieve surrealism.


This student was very creative in tying together her different words.  She was asked to put together “Goliath’, ‘teeth’, and ‘sled’ – The story she created for this image ties everything together very well.  Here we see a boy sledding on what appears to be teeth from Goliath – sledding on Goliath’s teeth – a very creative combination.

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